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Posted by DINDIN | July 04, 2010 09:58am | Viewed 2257 times | 1 replies | Last replied by MariaBBB on July 07, 2010 10:28am

I read that after I grow my garden transplants indoors, I should "harden them off before planting them out". What does this mean and what's the best way to do it?


July 07, 2010 10:28am

Seedlings raised in our homes or greenhouses must be gradually acclimated to the stress of life outdoors. Cold,
wind and sun take a little getting used to. Gardeners usually find a protected spot, where the plants will only get a few hours of morning sun. The transplants are put out after breakfast and taken in before dinner. After about a week of this treatment, they can be planted out if the weather forecast is mild enough for that specific crop.

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