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Largest butterfly

Posted by lilygrower | October 22, 2008 02:30am | Viewed 1097 times | 3 replies | Last replied by birdsgalore23 on November 25, 2009 7:36pm

Which is the world's largest butterfly?


October 23, 2008 12:31am

The largest butterfly is the Queen Alexander's Birdwing. There are other birdwings and I have seen the Cairns Birdwing in butterfly exhibits. It is very interesting to watch as it has a very floppy flight and when it lands on some flowers, they droop due to its weight.

See this website:



October 23, 2008 05:29am

If you are talking about just USA, then the largest butterfly is Giant Swallowtail. You can get more info on this from the same website listed above.

BTW, if you see Queen Alexander's Birdwing butterfly, then do not touch it. They are poisonous!


November 25, 2009 7:36pm

I read that it was Queen ALEXANDRA'S Birdwing. I don't know if Alexander or Alexandra is right. I'm pretty positive it's Alexandra though.

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