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On tomatoes

Posted by CeLC | June 03, 2010 12:28am | Viewed 3467 times | 1 replies | Last replied by MariaBBB on June 05, 2010 03:20am

Each year I plant my tomatoes in early May but they don't usually start producing until September. If I construct a protective tent out of clear plastic, can I plant them out earlier?


June 05, 2010 03:20am

A plastic cloche will allow slightly earlier planting, but only a week or two at most. The real benefit will be that
the extra warmth under the plastic will make the plant grow better and set fruit earlier. Peppers, eggplants,
cucumbers and squash also benefit from this kind of protection in spring. Make sure you are growing a "short
season" or "early" variety of tomato. Many of the big, beefsteak types, that are popular elsewhere, will not
mature in some areas. 'Early Girl,' 'Stupice' and 'IPB' are three reliable, short-season varieties.

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