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Is the red dye that is found in premixed hummer solution bad for hummingbirds?

Posted by gardenninja | June 07, 2010 09:39am | Viewed 9479 times | 1 replies | Last replied by MariaBBB on June 14, 2010 02:44am

Is the red dye that is found in premixed hummer solution bad for hummingbirds?


June 14, 2010 02:44am

Though no conclusive scientific evidence exists showing harmful effects of red food dye on hummingbirds, this additive is certainly not necessary. Brightly colored flowers are nature's way of attracting a foraging hummingbird. When they feed at a series of flowers, hummers are acting as pollinators. So the red solution in feeders is aimed at attracting hummingbirds as red flowers are. Bright red feeder parts or a bright red ribbon hung near the feeder can be just as attractive as red-dyed solution. In fact, even with no color at all, hummers will find the feeder.

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