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Companion Planting

Posted by Jane | Added on : October 03, 2008 08:26am | Last edited: October 27, 2009 7:09pm | Viewed 2006 times | 0 Comments | This article is also in blooms


Companion planting is planting different kind of crops next to each other in order to get some benefit out of it. This benefit could be to improve growth , inhibit growth, reducing pests and so on. This technique has been in use in gardening and agriculture since ancient times and is still widely used. Companion planting is a great way to control pests in organic gardens.

The benefits of companion planting are many. A particular kind of crop may enhance the flavor of another plant. Some plants may help in sheltering other plants from sun and wind. Pest control is one of the major benefits of companion planting. A kind of crop attracts pests or repels pests thus keeping the nearby crops free of pests. Some kinds of crops are used to fix nitrogen in the soil so that the nearby plants can use the nitrogen. These are just some of the benefits.

Companion planting is all about pairing the plants. Depending on what problem you are trying to solve in your garden and for what kind of plant, you need to choose a companion plant appropriately. Marigolds when planted along with vegetables will keep the beetles away. Similarly garlic planted with other plants keep rabbits away. Hyssop when planted next to grapes improves the growth of grapes.

Depending on the kind of plant under question and the problem to be solved, choose an appropriate pairing plant. Companion planting is a safe and time tested technique. If used wisely, it will enhance the yield of your garden.



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